Celebrate Galentine’s Day with Bryan Anthony’s

Happy Hump Day!

One week from today, Walgreens and CVS will be putting their Valentine’s Day on half price. Until that glorious moment, you’ll be bombarded with “What to Get Your Boyfriend” and “Non-Flowers and Chocolates Gifts for your Bae this V-Day” (trust me, I know this, I work in PR).

But aren’t really seeing is gifts for your pals on Galentine’s Day!

I’m a big believer of Galentine’s Day- the day before Valentine’s Day were you celebrate your go-to ride-or-dies, those kick-ass friends who are by your side no matter what. My friends and I have even done Galentine’s Day gift-exchange parties to celebrate how much we love each other – something I definitely recommend!

Though it may be too last minute to plan a party, there’s still time to shop for some goodies for your BFFs! My current favorite? Bryan Anthony’s!

What I love most about the jewelry site is that all of their pieces tell a story – whether it’s about your best friend being your soul sister, or you’re following your heart despite the odds, or connecting the dots of life when the going gets tough. There’s something for each of the moments – and that something is a gorgeous piece of jewelry.

I recently purchased the soul sister ring set for my soul mate of a best friend, Lauren!


Lauren and I call each other other our soulmates, in honor of the infamous Sex and the City quote, “Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.” After three hour long coffee dates, long drives with the music blasting, and late night FaceTime sessions, we realized more and more how true this was for us.

So for her 21st birthday, I knew that the perfect to celebrate her birthday, our friendship, and distance not coming between us would be these soul sister rings.

It really is a great reminder of how amazing our friendship is even though we are states away.

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Now go celebrate your amazing friends, like Lo, this Galentine’s Day by going to Bryan Anthony’s and ordering from their different collections.

Happy shopping!!

Have you checked out Bryan Anthony’s before? Are you going to now? Comment below and let me know!

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